Uncommon Value, Uncommon Opportunity.
Nexus Financial, LLC is a unique financial services firm aimed at helping Financial Services Professionals take their business to the next level. If you are already affiliated with Nexus Financial, please log in below to get the full experience. If you are a financial professional interested in learning more about our firm, please visit;
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The materials contained in this site consist of information made available to Nexus Financial, LLC by insurance companies, other insurance industry vendors, as well as Nexus Financial’s analysis, commentary and summary of products. The purpose of the information provided on this site is to provide Nexus Financial associates with a guide to products available at Nexus Financial, as well as services to facilitate business by its associates.
Nexus Financial, LLC makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of information provided on this site. Nexus Financial, LLC DOES NOT GUARANTEE the accuracy of information provided on this site and is NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS. All information obtained while using this site should be verified with Nexus Financial, LLC.
Securities and investment advisory services offered through Osaic FA, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Osaic FA is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of Osaic FA.
See Osaic FA’s Form CRS Customer Relationship Summary, available here, for succinct information about the relationships and services Osaic FA offers to retail investors, related fees and costs, specified conflicts of interest, standards of conduct, and disciplinary history, among other things. Osaic FA’s Forms ADV, Part 2A, which describe Osaic FA’s investment advisory services, Regulation Best Interest Disclosure Document, which describes Osaic FA’s broker-dealer services, and other client disclosure documents can be found here